Manual Photo Editing or AI-Powered Photo Editing: Which one is better for Real Estate Photo Services?

Technology aims to bring a lot of convenience in what we normally do on a day-to-day basis. In fact, when we look around us, there is some form of technological advancement that has turned the manual and repetitive tasks into fast and easy ways. Our phones, computers, and even applications all contribute to this continuous evolution of improvement. In the real estate business, there had been advances throughout the years as well. Cameras and photo development used to be cumbersome in nature, beginning with the models that used a single flash bulb, to the ones that use gunpowder, all the way to the film-based camera and finally the digital versions we know today. Real estate photo services have also adopted throughout the decades from the methods of the dark room to what we now know as photo editing through software. The question is though, what’s next?

Well, in recent years, there had been developments around artificial intelligence or AI-powered real estate photo editing. Machines are taught not only to perform, but to also learn from humans in order to offer more convenience in the process. As scary as it may sound, this technology as made its way to some real estate photo services and editing software. It might sound like the assistant you’ve always wanted but think carefully if it will deliver the work that you require.

What is AI-Powered Photo Editing?

AI-powered realty editor can be simply described as a faster way to execute the commands you are thinking of in your mind. What it does is it takes all your previous data and movements of your editing process, uses a defined algorithm to make sense if you are working through patterns, and attempts to predict this the next time around.

Going through an example, let us say you are currently working on several photos. For each photo you perform color correction, object removal, sky replacement, and then retouch afterwards. After several rounds of performing almost the same routine with very specific levels of adjustment, the AI-powered real estate photo editing software will pick up you behavior and in succeeding projects, suggest an easier way to do it by showing the tools bundled together. This is just one of the examples of AI-powered real estate photo editing. Another possibility is the ability of AI to make things more convenient by detecting some of the things that you want removed. If in previous work you have worked with removing blemishes and spots from properties, AI will learn from this and automatically ask you the next time around if you want to instantly remove the same blemishes found on a completely different photo.

Real estate photo services can benefit through the speed of being able to finish their work, avoiding any excess clicks and movements during the process. Thinking along the lines of convenience, artificial intelligence can also process photos hands-free meaning it can perform sequential steps on its own given a logical assessment of the data it gathers from the photo and can even recommend which ones to use in certain situations much like an assistant by your side. However, be wary of the limitations AI can bring. It may constantly suggest things that you may not normally need for a particular project or sometimes it cannot detect fine details that only your eyes can.

How is AI different?

Some may think that AI is similar to programming shortcuts or pre-sets. The difference lies in the ability of AI to learn on its own, and create a logical output from learning about data, movements, and behaviors. The scary thing about AI is that it can develop to become an intelligent and independent mind. It will not however, have the same ability of humans to discern or debate grey areas of editing. Shortcuts on the other hand are human-driven sets of commands that when executed will act according to what it was pre-programmed to do. It will not improve on its own and will remain as is until human intervention is once again applied.

What is Manual Photo Editing?

Manual photo editing is what the task of performing intricate enhancements one by one through human intervention. It involves applying enhancements and changes one step at a time using specific tools available in the software and relies completely on human expertise to identify which parts of the photo require editing. You may be surprised to find that majority of real estate photo services are still done in this manner.

Which Should You Choose?

Between manual photo editing and AI-powered real estate photo editing, the clear choice would be manual photo editing. This is because human expertise and heuristics are things that artificial intelligence cannot easily catch up to. Humans can identify clearly what the needs of one project or photos is from the next, and while artificial intelligence does have a learning curve on this, there are simply too many differences to learn for any AI-powered real estate photo editing software.

Nonetheless, given the chance to work with AI-powered real estate photo editing software, a mix of manual and AI methods can also produce quite the difference. AI can provide a lift in terms of convenience; it can easily spot routines or predict succeeding moves which makes the process faster altogether. Just remember that the human touch should always prevail in the end. Manual photo editing interventions must step in to fix any incorrect steps by the AI because at the end of the day any real estate photo service must aim to produce the best-looking photos, however method it was done.


Real estate photo services must be keen to realize that artificial intelligence is neither good nor bad. Instead, it should be viewed as an aid that helps the process of real estate photo editing and should not be treated as the primary mode of execution. While there are benefits to the use of AI-powered real estate photo editing, there is nothing more powerful than the human mind. Therefore, when you have the choice to use AI, consider how you can make sure that the output will not be compromised by adding the human touch every now and then to your work.


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