Key Signs You Need to Outsource Real Estate Photo Editing

The dependency of success of every business lies in its ability to grow. It depends on the entrepreneur’s ability to shift into a hands-on person to an overseer because of the continuous expansion of the business. This is true even for the real estate photography business as potentially more and more real estate clients begin to flock into your services. Keeping a good reputation during this period of growth requires being positive and making sure that you come across as professional as possible. You might think that when your capacity has reached its maximum levels, you can now start to turn clients away since you have a steady base of companies providing you income. This is actually a backward thinking mindset. What you want to do is keep the inflow of clients to help sustain your growth. It will be a matter of strategy on how you want to distribute the work, but there is an option to outsource real estate photo editing.

Contracting the services of an outsourced real estate photo editing company will definitely provide the additional capacity needed to meet competing deadlines. One of the signs that will signify that outsourcing is needed is when 85% of your self-assessed capacity is already consumed. The 15% of course, is the time you need to attend to personal matters such as well being and rest. Another sign is when you already feel fatigue and spent more than the previous number of clients, resulting to lower quality of work. Do not, however, allow it to reach that point as your reputation is embedded in the quality of your images.

How does outsourcing to a photo editor work?

Looking for a company or a service to outsource real estate photo editing should never be a rushed decision. There has to be a process of evaluation in order to select a service that is trustworthy and reliable when it comes to quality and speed. Right off the bat, the service that promises the fastest turnaround time to deliver top-notch photos at reasonable prices win the bid. Here are some of the things you need to do and consider when real estate editing outsourcing is in the horizon.

  1. Find a service that is at par with your expectations

Most outsourced real estate photo editing companies will have a portfolio to showcase to potential clients. This is a good way to check if their editing styles are up to date and relevant to the current trends in the real estate market especially as may have already be present in social media and have adapted their styles to these online platforms. Also place yourself in the perspective of the property buyer and see if their photos are something that will attract you to contact the realtor and go for a personal tour of the home.

  1. Make sure there is an understanding of what you require

When you have finally found the service to lower expenses through outsourcing real estate photo editing, make sure that a contract exists to clearly specify what styles you want to see in the end product, and what service level agreements in general you want met. This gives you the confidence that paying for their service maintains your reputation and integrity as a photographer to your clients.

  1. Being keen on pricing

When it comes to real estate photo editing outsourcing, the price model now changes for your photography service to the real estate client. You may need to hike the prices up for your real estate client to cover the cost of outsourcing the editing but at the same time you wouldn’t want to make the prices unattractive enough to lose them. The trick here is to start a subscription package for your real estate clients to spread out the cost throughout the year for them. Make sure to incorporate and transparently declare outsourced real estate photo editing as part of the price but assure your clients that the quality of the photos is the same or even exceeds their needs.

What do professional photographers use to edit their photos?

The truth is, both you and the outsourced real estate photo editing company are considered professionals. This also means that professionals hold a certain standard to their photo editing outputs when they use editing software such as Photoshop, GIMP, Lightroom, or Canva. Here are some considerations to the use of these software.

Professionals know how the importance of light and color - The most basic elements of photo editing brings the photo to life and makes every inch of the property vibrant. Color casts, dark areas, unruly shadows, and high exposures are just some of the things they balance out in order to make the photo neutral and warm.

Professionals know the value of retouching - The reality of real estate photo editing outsourcing is it is not a one-shot process. Retouching is a must to make sure that the photo is free of blemishes and does not have messy edits.

Professionals understand the impact of perspectives - When doing the editing, it is a given that the photos should be taken at the right height and angle to minimize appearances of distortions. Viler to the photo are warps and curves that may throw off the realistic vibe of the image. Editing must also catch these inconsistencies and rectify them in order to provide a realistic view of the property.


With the job of real estate photo editing outsourcing in play, there is now the opportunity to look at the growth of your business. The possibilities of expanding can be achieved with the right decisions to outsource as the time on your hands can be used for developing your skills further or taking much needed breaks to refresh and recharge. The outsourced realty editor company will take care of your work in parallel while you make use of your time outside of that chair. Generally, as you evolve into someone who gets less hands on, you can grow your business in different aspects and realize the time you could be using differently than if you were constantly editing night and day.


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