Setting Up Real Estate Photo Editing Tutorials

It has been crazy how the last year or so has been for everyone globally. Businesses were forced to fold up and those who were able to pivot through online avenues maintained a level of survivability. Real estate has been one to maintain an existence of physical interactions as well as increased online presence. One could only think of the ways that help boost revenues when it comes to this industry. Photographers, on the other hand, have kept the flow of business quite well for real estate photography because it doesn’t require much physical interaction and editing is done within the confines of their own workstations. However, if one would be very cautious about going out very often, there are ways to find revenue streams being a photographer. One such venture could be setting up real estate photo editing tutorials. There are plenty of ways to do this. There is blogging, vlogging, a combination of both, or maybe hosting a live session. But before jumping to it, your real estate image editing tutorials need to be planned and carried out carefully in order for it to maximize its intent.
Table of Contents
The Planning
Write down the topics you want to discuss
We understand that the topic of real estate photo editing tutorials can be endless given the infinite number of things to talk about. Spending one session or one post talking about all of them could do more damage than good. Start by making a list of all the topics you deem are important. Each item could be one detailed session or article to write about which allows you to go in-depth on it and make your audience appreciate it even more.
Think about the intervals on when you plan to do it
Real estate image editing tutorials can be quite a handful when all done at once. Perhaps if you choose to do a zoom session it would be recommended that you space your sessions apart on a weekly frequency or perhaps every 4 days. This gives you enough time to rest, practice your material, and gain an audience so the real thing could be flawless.
Arrange your materials
Even if you are an expert on the topics, a guide will always do you good. Real estate photo editing tutorials can get a bit tricky when there is a surge of information that clouds the attention of your audience. Hence, it is good to prepare a flow of discussion and more importantly, a step-by-step guide especially for those that require time to execute. Such arrangements can be a numbered list of what you plan to sequentially discuss, or at least a range of topics you plan to cover within the session.
Prepare a presentation deck
Live real estate image editing tutorial sessions will deal with a lot of talking on your end with a lot of listening on the audience’s end. For them, listening to an hour or two to your talking while seeing your face would be very boring, so to speak. It is important to keep their attention so they can get their money’s worth, and you can get a repeat audience in return. When preparing a presentation deck, it is important to create breaks in between to ensure they are still engaged. These take the form of games, interactive portions, intermediate Q&As, and the likes.
The Logistics
Make sure you have a communication platform
If the choice of the real estate image editing tutorial is done via live video session, make sure you are subscribed to a proper communication platform. Some applications such as Zoom require a subscription fee so you can have an unlimited access to time when doing the session. The last thing you want to do is for the app to close on you after 40 minutes just because you saved out on the subscription fee.
If it’s writing you want, put up a website
Real estate image editing tutorials through blogs and vlogs can have a home in websites. While the level of interaction may not be as dynamic as hosting a live online session, the website has an advantage of being repeatable. This means that people can always open it and use it as a reference when following the real estate photo editing tutorials. You can even post videos that are reviewable by people and this can supplement the writing on your tutorials.
Fee collection
The decision on how to collect fees can be from different options. In joining live sessions, people can pay for a fee via bank transfer in exchange for a password to enter the session. Real estate image editing tutorials that take the form of blogs and/or vlogs can ask for a subscription fee to view on a monthly basis. These ways are some ideas on how to turn this into a revenue stream that will definitely take advantage of the electronic possibilities.
The Execution
Start on time, end on time
People will be critical on the time, seeing that they paid good money to show up for your real estate photo editing tutorials. This will also build your credibility on producing such sessions and will help you gain a bigger audience in future online undertakings.
Engage your audience
No one wants to have a boring real estate image editing tutorial session. Ask your audience to share experiences, or to share insights in the middle of presentations to make it seem like you really are interested in what they think. This helps fill the gap of the physical aspect of human interaction that is taken away by video conferencing sessions.
This is indeed one exciting way to practice your profession of being a real estate photographer. The beauty in it is that it doesn’t stop you from doing what you love, and it allows you to thrive even in the hardest of times, taking advantage of the technology available at your disposal. This guide can help you get started on how you can set up your own realty editor tutorials whether done in a live video session or through websites where you can publish the things you want to say.
Relevant Quick Links:
- Real Estate Photo Editing
- Real Estate Image Editing
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