Stun Your Real Estate Buyers with Color Correction

Perhaps in every tutorial or blog you might see, one of the recurring set of words that have become a staple in realty editor are the words color correction. This appears for several reasons and would normally be packaged as a must-do item in the enhancement process due to its sheer relevance and role in the entirety of any real estate business. Real estate photo correcting is performed not only for the joy of being able to see a transformation in photos but fundamentally recreates the image to look like the real deal. In three aspects, color correction is able to be the bridge that connects the gap between the photo and the viewer. The ensuing correction allows the photo to speak in words where it previously couldn’t without the right shades and hues. Real estate image correcting also helps rectify what cameras couldn’t, even though DSLRs and such have gone through several iterations of improvement. Lastly, there is more than one color correction required when we talk about real estate photo correcting. Imperfections fly in left and right for images taken even under the ideal conditions. This is the reality of this technique is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of real estate photo correcting, one that emanates to unmeasurable benefits.

The Power of Color

Colors are more than just the shades we see setting off favorites and association. It has its own science that we do not usually think about every day, but we certainly feel and processing in intangible ways. Real estate image correcting works under the guise of not just bringing potential buyers a taste of the property’s reality but also a way to draw people in close and feel more positively about what they are looking at to ultimately lead to a sale.

  1. Every color has meaning

We know that whatever colors were captured in the image cannot be manipulated. Going to an extreme example, skies cannot be turned black when they are originally blue. However, it is important to understand how colors affect the reader for those hues that can still be changed. Real estate image correcting should always endeavor to turn gloomy days into warmer days through incorporating lighter and warmer colors. Yellow for instance, exudes happiness and warmth while orange emits confidence and success. A combination of these in sunny days will fair better compared to shades of black which is perceived to be dramatic and sophisticated.

  1. Colors are psychologically therapeutic

The way our brain works is it releases certain hormones that make us feel certain ways. They are triggered through the senses and sight is one of these ways where visuals can trigger our brains to feel something and involuntarily make our psychological frameworks go a certain direction. In this regard, warmer colors can help us feel calmer that colder colors. In real estate photo correcting, warmer colors still point to sunlight and fair days. Rainy or overcast weather conditions may pose as a threat in attracting people due to their shorter-lived feeling of calmness and attachment.

  1. Sales and color are in fact, correlated

As people are drawn closer to certain colors, their minds begin to create associations in terms of affiliation and attachment. Such colors through real estate photo correcting can help people see if a property looks clean and pristine with a brightly lit white kitchen for instance. They will feel like this part of the home is where they can spend most of their time in and associate themselves with their traits of cleanliness, therefore it is possible for them to boldly take steps to inquire and perhaps lead to a sale of the property.

Color Issues to Look Out For

Real estate image correcting treads on not just one aspect of color in the photos but battles through several issues that arise from imperfections in cameras. To get a good grasp, here are some that you might come across:

  1. Color cast – A color cast requires real estate image correcting because it will be unsightly to see a tint of color that covers the entire image. Color casts are mostly light that has bounced of a dominant color that was focused on by a camera, reflecting that unfiltered tint onto the lens.
  2. Color saturation – The ability of colors to achieve vibrancy rests on the shoulders of their ability to stand out. Some colors could subtly be hidden under dull tones and therefore miss their chance to he noticed especially if these colors can be associated with the potential buyer’s personality.
  3. Bringing life – This last bit could be tricky in most real estate photo correcting techniques. The idea is to see whether any part of the property, whether interior or exterior, would resemble anything that looks dead. The most common example is a wilted lawn. The combination of brown and orange hues will surely turn a would-be buyer off as compared to something that looks green. Try correcting these parts of the image with a color replacement technique to breathe some life into it.

Color Correction Techniques

There are multiple color correction techniques that exist in most real estate image correcting software. Most common are the sliders that control hue, saturation, depth, shadows, and brightness. The more complex tools that can create changes in color could employ the use of layers, brushes, layer masks, and even the dodge and burn tool. Ultimately, a combination of these should be able to do the job rather than using them independently and exclusively to try and achieve the level of correction.


Without a doubt, the underestimation of what real estate photo correcting can do in the aspect of color will be detrimental to the overall purpose of the enhancement. Color correction has always been at the forefront of real estate photo editing that is why the tools present for this has been at its utmost abundance. Color speaks to the viewer, allowing them to draw feelings, emotions, and thoughts out of what they see that ultimately pulls them towards procuring the property, therefore making real estate image correcting one vital player in the entire chain of any real estate business.


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