Why Should We Consider Manual Real Estate Photo Editing Instead of Automation?

Technology has driven a lot of improvements in recent years. It has even emerged as an aid to do things easier or more convenient in other contexts. Real estate photo editing has since been caught in the tide of technology advancement, name in the automation department. Automated photo editing has gained a larger following and has in fact been adopted by many developers for editors to use. Now there are differences when it comes to manual photo editing and automated photo editing. This is not to say that one is definitely better than the other or the other one is completely unacceptable but there are advantages and disadvantages where it is due.

Now the debate lies in the concept that automation has made real estate photo editing easier and more efficient. The truth and answer lie in the situation you are in. The bottom line is realty editor should not compromise quality and speed, and getting a good grasp on what manual photo editing has to offer when contrasted to automated photo editing will help set you in the right direction.

What is Automated Photo Editing?

There are two pop-culture definitions of automated photo editing. One refers to the online way of editing photos which involves a ton of simple click and execute commands. These are typically offered as easy-to-use, perhaps trendy ways to do real estate photo editing. The convenience and portability as well as the accessibility all mash up to offer their services to certain target markets. The other definition is creating self-executing editing commands. The difference it has from the first is that these automated commands are set by the power user with the intent to speed up the work. The software used is typically ones that are used for everyday real estate photo editing which incorporate an automation feature.

Why is Manual Real Estate Photo Editing Still Preferred?

In order to differentiate the pros and cons, a good definition of manual real estate photo editing should be established. In theory, it is the execution of photo enhancement with tools found within editing software, and creates changes one element at a time, making sure they look perfect. This does not automatically dismiss any possibilities of automated photo editing to produce perfect photos, but contrary to manual real estate photo editing, automated photos may operate on a finite set of logic that cannot be flexible nor capable to increase its learning curve. Understanding such contrasting features will help you understand why a lot of people still prefer the manual way to do it.

  1. There is built-in quality in manual methods

While automation does provide an avenue of comfort in getting the project accomplished, there may be a lapse in quality along the way. Manual real estate photo editing is done by humans through hand-eye coordination that are controlled by perceptions of beauty by the brain. Humans can relate to how other human perceive beauty and therefore understands what beauty is from one person to the next. In contrast to this, automated photo editing is a set of commands that when executed follow that exact same set of instructions day in and day out without regard if a spot is missed or a set of objects in the picture look unrealistic.

  1. Attention to detail is present in the human eye

Humans are, by nature, intellectual beings. There are the inquisitive types, critical thinkers, and detail-oriented individuals. At the end of the day, there should be no loose ends that are present especially in real estate photo editing. This concept applies particularly in retouching. Automated photo editing may not always spot the faintest of blemishes in the process, but humans can take a step back and intervene one they see it. One downfall as well of automated photo editing is that since it follows a chain of instructions to execute repetitive tasks faster, they do not have any regard for learning unless it is backed by artificial intelligence. Manual real estate photo editing on the other hand has a learning curve that rises as more work has been done.

  1. Reworking a photo is easier with manual editing

It really is. Think of the scenario where an automated set of editing instructions have been executed and layer upon layer of errors were detected after the job has run. Digging right through to correct these in the middle of all the layers of editing may take more time to undo and re-do whereas manual real estate photo editing can easily retrace any mistakes done in the process. Furthermore, the fact that manual editing processes can find ways to work around errors given that they are the executors give them the power to think of how they can do it as opposed to automated processes that zip through the work and leaving zero traces of where errors might have come from.

Which Should You Choose?

There are a handful of advantages for manual photo editing when put side by side with automated photo editing. The real question boils down to are you satisfied with how either works for you? There are pros to the manual editing process, let’s get that straight. The automated portion can then be assessed it if can span across the entire chain of work or requires creation of a localized silo of automation. What this means is that you must choose the parts that can be automated with confidence to produce high quality images and leave the rest to manual interventions. Automation will not hurt when done to those tasks that are low risk, but always keep in mind that it is no 100% fool proof and errors may still occur as photos may come as unique as you may imagine.


Manual real estate photo editing is still the top choice, but do not rule the possibility and benefits that automated photo editing brings. There will always be pockets of application that everyone can see and create easier processing in those areas. But whatever the case might be, manual editing will always produce top notch quality photos whether they were done from start to finish or for just a portion of the project. There will always be a challenge in mimicking what humans can do and for now, relying on that fact can save you tons of effort from things going wrong.


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