7 Most Common Real Estate Photo Editing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

It often is the case where we run into photos that we cannot easily enhance because they are riddled with too many imperfections. Real estate photo editing can do go beyond a certain extent to be able to effect the changes in the image and crossing the line between what is salvageable and what is not defines the ability of this process to execute. Furthermore, photo editing for real estate which is also known by other terms such as post-processing or enhancement can only function to the best it can based on the software you have at hand. Note that even if you do have the best real estate photo editing software, it might not be enough to rectify the wrongs. With this, prevention will always come out to be the best remedy in real estate photo editing. Having firsthand knowledge of what to avoid will help you go on to have a smooth post-processing experience and ensure that your work will always produce the right output.

The Top 7 Mistakes Not to Make

mistake and how to avoid

  1. Ignoring the power of natural lighting

Windows and shades have been the most underrated source of illumination for photos. Real estate photo editing will surely be able to adjust lighting quickly and help the photo shine with just a few ticks if there is a lot of natural light. So why isn’t indoor lighting preferred? For one they do not provide the level of lighting the way, the sun can. They are also not as spread out, meaning the photo is at the mercy of the position of these artificial lights. This can make it difficult to find a shot with fewer shadows and ultimately leads to a challenge in enhancement.

  1. Overdoing shadows

Another no-no in photo editing for real estate is going further than what is needed. Specifically for shadows, it will be easily noticeable if you do not control your application of such. One instance is drop shadows. There will be a limit in making it seem like an object is lifted off the surfaces such as paintings, tables, etc. Putting too much of this ends up in a head-scratching scene of an object floating off without being anchored on anything and such mishaps can turn viewers off of the property they are looking at.

  1. Failing to correct the distorted lines

Inherent to most photos are curved or skewed lines. These may appear on anything or any surface which includes walls, furniture, floors, and the like. Most real estate photo editing software will possess the corrective tools for you to make sure they conform to the gridlines and make the photo look to have a straight-on perspective. Failing to do so could result in a lot of criticism and an inability to be sold. These lines might seem more important than you think so get your real estate photo editing app to do this and avoid the pitfalls of not doing so.

  1. Poorly curated interiors

Drab and boring bedrooms are always a cause of slow sales. You might also want to throw uninspiring kitchens and living rooms into the mix. Editing real estate photos through outsourcing services must be able to show a well-designed space that provides potential buyers a reason to get hooked on the image, daydream about living in it, and make an eventual purchase. Now, it is easier said than done as the work will require having to think but execution has been given a lift through virtual staging which is something worth checking out.

  1. Exaggerating on the edits

With the power of most software for editing services for residential real estate photos to make manipulations in a snap, there is a tendency to abuse this and create an edit that is out of this world. While you might get a really good following on your photos, you may end up with losses in credibility once people start realizing the actual property does not synchronize with the look of the image. This also falls under the category of deception which ultimately destroys reputations and names in the industry.

  1. Including flash spots

One of the abilities of most real estate photo editing software is to remove objects in plain sight. Using such techniques responsibly over concentrations of light can be really helpful especially when they are creating eyesores within the scene. If you forget to take these out, you may end up with an image that looks like it was taken by an amateur who forced the photo’s way into the listings just for the sake of having to throw something on the web.

  1. Not listening to your client requirements.

The final and most fatal mistake in real estate photo editing is not being able to deliver based on client requirements. See, the client is king, and they pay good money to have their photos done. If they provide highly specific requirements and you aren’t able to adhere to any of them, you could be looking at a rework or the customer not paying for it at all, both of which are losses on time, effort, and money.

Avoiding These Mistakes

  1. Prepare a checklist of items.

A reminder to yourself to avoid these seven deadly mistakes in real estate photo editing is to prepare a list of what to do. Perhaps you can use this as a point of discussion with your client to help define what they want included and what they don’t. Either way, whatever that list now contains will be a reference for you to execute correctly.

  1. Prepare beforehand

Preparation is always key. Imagine not being able to go to the property and just being surprised with the photos you need to work on in post-processing is a highly stressful scenario especially when these images are not up to par for editing. It will always be good to talk it out with your stakeholders and do what you need to ensure the standards are kept, immersing yourself in the work and not letting the critical items out of sight.

Final Thoughts

Watch out when choosing a real estate photo editor, mistakes are often made out of the failure to foresee them. Having the right information at hand now allows you to ensure real estate photo editing is done right and smoothly and that these deadly mistakes are avoided at all costs.


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