Is Real Estate Photo Editing Eating Up Your Time? Here’s How to Edit Faster

Did you ever feel like 24 hours in a day is simply not enough to meet all of the client’s orders? Is the task of real estate photo editing taking too much time that you feel like it’s eating up time for other relevant things as well? Come to think of it, all of these are within your control. Yes, the demand for real estate photos is high and it’s not going to slow down. It’s how you choose to adapt to faster real estate photo editing that defines the way you get through your work. Do not get us wrong though, the faster real estate photo editing does not equate to a compromised quality of work nor does it mean giving up the right way to do things.
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Let us put things into perspective. There is only a limited amount of time in a day where as a photographer, there is a need to go to a photo shoot, editing the photos, perhaps spend time with loved ones, and more importantly get some sleep. More often than not, real estate photo editing promises fast turnaround times usually 24 to 48 hours depending on the amount of photos taken. All these do not mean the work must fall on your shoulders. You might be able to do some yourself while tethered to your workstation and some might be good to be sent out to a real estate photo editing service. It could even mean discovering the quirks and secrets of the editing software you are using to cut down some time in editing itself by allowing you to make quicker movements. At the end of the day, faster realty editor should not churn out photos that are less than the expected quality standard from your clients. After all, they are paying for the services and expertise that they need to operate their respective businesses.
Know Your Shortcuts
Shortcuts are a dime a dozen in different editing software. Some tools can pop out with the push of a keyboard button as opposed to navigating through the options to click on them with a mouse. Adobe Lightroom is a treasure trove of these shortcuts. There are multiple commands as well as combinations of keys that allow you to access tools and options instantly. While this may seem like a very trivial way to save time, it might surprise you to find out how much minutes it all adds to when done in volumes. Furthermore, there are what software would call pre-sets. Again, referring to Adobe Lightroom, there are pre-sets that can be customized to avoid repeating the same commands on importing, editing, and exporting to save you time in doing those commands over and over. Simply create a pre-set of commands, save it, and apply it to the next set of actions that merit the same requirements.
Why Not Try Outsourcing?
Outsourcing can be the easiest choice, seeing that is has the least amount of steps involved in the entire process. The most crucial steps though, are ensuring that the outsourced real estate photo editing service you want to transact with live up to your quality and do not charge you an arm and a leg in the process. The reason why this helps is because they can work in parallel to your timeliness. Think of it as extra hands paid with a price to help you do the enhancements and finish them at an agreed deadline.
What is more compelling is the fact that if you really want faster real estate photo editing, then outsourced services can start working on them as soon as they receive the photos. Uploading your captures and sending it to them right after your shoot will waste almost no time in getting the work started.
Working Smarter with Mobility
Real estate photo editing can be done remotely for as long as you have the right set of gear. Think about the possibilities of being able to cut travel time and just being able to work anywhere. It will surely save you time during the day and allot that time for even more useful things such as getting another location to perform a photo shoot.
Faster real estate photo editing also means that you get the job within the turnaround time and be able to maximize your day. Try bringing a laptop with you in case your schedule is tight. This allows you to find a spot anywhere you want to work and start the uploading your photos on the spot. Also try out some applications on your phone or extensions of the Adobe software on your mobile devices. In situations where you need to run out of the office to do important errands or simply need to do things on the go, the portable versions of this software will enable you to continue doing your work while not being restricted by your workstation. Just make sure that you have a good data connection so that your files can be stored in a cloud and accessed through both your bolted workstation and portable device.
In the end, it is a choice. There are a multitude of ways to get the job done faster and real estate photo editing will surely demand that these be explored to also enable you to unlock the potential of growing your photography career. There are options available which may or may not require creativity and in either case the result of faster real estate photo editing must uphold the standards you have.
Remember that the choice is yours to invest time in knowing your tools and software or reaching out to that service that knows the business as well as you do or as simple as making the most of the hours you have in a day. It is to say that these options are not the only choices you have but should get you going in ways you may have not discovered before. All in all, it is what it is, the real estate business will not slow down, and requirements of faster real estate photo editing will always be staring you straight in the face, begging you to find ways to catch up with the ever-growing business.
Relevant Quick Links:
- Real Estate Photo Editing
- Real Estate Image Editing
- Knowledge Base
- Time Frame Expectations in Real Estate Image Editing
- How Technology Can Help Real Estate Businesses and Startups Grow Faster