The Key Areas to Fix in Real Estate Photos

Potential house hunters have their ways and means of finding the property they desire. They ask people for referrals, they look online, they do location scouting, or whatever creative ways there are. Whichever option they do, the first thing that catches their eye is the image of the house that reflects in their minds. Before the specifications and inquiries, it will almost always be how it looks and perceived to be the ‘one’.

When you look at real estate photo images on magazines or on real estate listings online, one might think how beautiful it might be to own that home. Little do people know the hard work that goes into making that photo before it lands on the ad page. Such emotions invoked by the photo can often lead to faster sales as people are enticed to inquire further and rush over to view the property. Photographers must consider touching people’s feeling as an end goal more than producing beautiful photos.

Image enhancement in real estate maximizes the property’s charm. It takes the flattering side of a home and makes it emanate just with a few touches here and there. What is important as the photographer and realty editor is to stay within the bounds of ethical practice and staying away from the deceitful photos which do not reflect the realities of the property during real estate photo adjustment.

What are the Key Areas?

To capture all of the offerings of a property, it is best to prepare a list of the areas to take a photo. This saves you time and money as you can eliminate the need to think in between rooms what to do next. On a customer perspective, real estate photo images communicate the features of the home leaving no questions for those who are interested in the property. Here are the areas you might consider for your photo shoot:

  • The House itself – taking a photo of the house is the first and foremost important area of the entire photo shoot. It shows the property’s inclusions whether there is a garage, a lawn, a pool, or even a grand front door. Real estate photo adjustment adds to the charm of the exterior by editing the skies. The weather conditions will sometimes play against your favor and may require some work to appear as if it is a sunny day.
  • Bed and Bath – The most important aspect of owning a home is catering to basic needs. Photos of bed and bath areas are crucial in getting your message across that the buyer will not regret meeting their basic needs with such beautiful rooms.
  • Living Room – These areas shout family time or relaxation time especially when the arrangement and angles shot are done right. Showcasing the living room hits home especially for buyers with children looking to score memorable family time in their new abode.
  • Kitchen – As a photographer, one of the target markets of your partners are home makers, whether they be dads or moms. Image enhancement in real estate featuring a clean yet functional kitchen can boost the sales of real estate businesses especially for people who are looking for kitchens as a deal breaker.
  • Backyard – Who doesn’t love wide open spaces for children and pets to play? Properties with spacious backyards provide a potentially good selling point. Sprucing up this space and adding it in real estate photo image listings immediately gives a bonus of families and pet owners.

Why Do Real Estate Photos Look So Good?

Real estate photo adjustment takes into account several elements that are put together in harmony to complement all the good points in a photo. The reason why real estate photo images reach out to viewers is because it touches on cognitive and emotional aspects which software editing can achieve. Here are the tips to make your photos appear better than before:

  • Changing perspectives – Sure, taking a photo on eye level seems the logical thing to do but it also creates a monotonous view for your real estate photo images. Sometimes crouching on the floor or taking a shot that points upwards can change it up. Ladders or extending your tripod to elevated heights can also capture a wider angle of the room.
  • Wide angle lenses – It’s all about the lenses when capturing wider peripheries. These coupled with shutter speeds and certain apertures can induce a brightly lit room that looks spacious. It speaks of cheerfulness and personal space which may just be the key to reeling in the next buyer. Also, brightly lit rooms can help during the real estate photo adjustment stage, it already enhances the details and surfaces the important parts of the room.
  • Breathtaking views – While it is difficult to capture a view on a window inside a bedroom, image enhancement in real estate includes the window-pull technique to edit in that wonderful view of the mountains. During the shoot, make sure to adjust your exposure to be brighter for the interior than the exterior. Take multiple shots with the same image with different manual settings to layer on your editing software later on.
  • Staging with Furniture – Interiors require furniture to give the potential buyer an idea on how the room will look like rather than one mass of empty space. Whether it is a physical couch or a software induced one, real estate photo images with furniture must help reflect the reality that if the property is purchased, the rooms can be creatively styled with pieces that match and complement each other.


Techniques for correcting real estate photographs indeed makes a property photo look a hundred times more attractive. Whether the photo appears in print or online media, the effect it should have should be the same across. The advantages of image enhancement in real estate stretch more than just the beauty of the photo but it appeals to a buyer’s perception and emotion to dig deeper into the property’s details. The photographer’s job is to understand how to be in the buyer’s shoes and create a mode of communication through the enhanced photos and reel them closer to feel affiliated with the home.


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