Those Real Estate Photo Vertical Lines, Straightened

The harsh reality behind being human is that our growth can only take us to as much as 6 to 7 feet tall. Outliers above that are considerably gifted but in the context of the everyday person, we fall between that range. If we now throw this into the relative stature of most buildings we shoot with our cameras, we will need to lean back in order to get a straight shot and rely on having real estate photo vertical lines straightened.
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So why do we need to ensure real estate straight vertical lines are adhered to? Perspective gives value. This means that the way we see properties in listings should showcase more than just a person’s point of view from the ground up. It needs to be showcased as if it were being viewed at eye level to get all the details included as well as the relative size where it sits in the location.
When real estate photo vertical lines are straightened, we must look through both processes of photography and enhancement. Both should work together to bring a cleaner photo that helps to make each other’s work easier and at the same time, more realistic.
What are the Verticals in Real Estate Photography?
See, the definition of real estate straight vertical lines should be exactly the same from what we know. While the common understanding of vertical lines is highlighted by the top to bottom traversal of 2 points, for real estate photography it strictly follows that if you set a line that stands on the y-axis it should be strictly perpendicular from the ground. Anything that might deviate from the description of real estate straight vertical lines, must be rectified either through photography adjustments or techniques in software applications that allow real estate photo vertical lines, straightened.
For exteriors, it will obviously be how the property stands. A clear violation of real estate straight vertical lines will be visible through a warped view of the image. It starts large at the bottom and tapers slight as it goes up until the edge will be smaller relative to the one at the bottom.
For interiors it might not be as visible in the immediate sense as the lines on the walls could be a subjective topic when it comes to being straight. A good sense check would be using your tripod and some guiding lines such as the grid feature on most cameras to take the image. You may need to crouch down but should there be limitations in getting the photo as it really is quite the challenge at times, always remember that the application on your computer is waiting for you to perfect real estate straight vertical lines.
How Do You Make a Straight Line in a Real Estate Picture?
Again, it takes two to tango in most cases and in the case of real estate photo vertical lines to be straightened, the camera and applications should churn the perfect image but in case they both couldn’t, then the latter can pick up the slack.
Make sure the tripod is set high enough to avoid tilting the camera
For interiors, this is a reliable solution to your skewing woes. If you are able to get your tripod to a height, say, the hip level, then you could already be getting the snap right on cue. However, every person’s height differs so try and see it through the lenses themselves once you’ve set the height at a level to your liking. Tilting the camera up is already half the battle lost so make sure it sits tight on the horizontal plane with the line of sight clearly on the x-axis.
Use gridlines in post-processing
Using real estate straight vertical line correction in Photoshop or any software application of your choice will have a feature of allowing you to fix the skewing. It will have its own gridlines where you can choose to pull the photo in to make it look flat from a planar view but be cautious of the edges as there will be some areas that will be compromised. For this particular drawback you may simply crop and enjoy the work afterwards.
Distance Matters
Ever heard of the Pythagorean theorem? The a-square plus b-squared equals c-squared? If not then let us put it this way. A-squared is the property’s height. B-square is the distance of you and your camera from the property. C-squared is now then the perception of height from where you are standing as it is the diagonal distance from you to the top of the property. The farther you stand to capture the image, the better your real estate straight vertical lines will appear. Note however, that this is not an ideal solution but one that can help the perspective from skewing.
Deciding to Outsource to a Service offers to make sure your real estate photo vertical lines are straightened. By outsourcing your images to them, you can get an enhancement that doesn’t break the bank and still makes the sale. With their promise of a 24-hour turnaround on any day of the week, you don’t need to stand on a 10-foot ladder just to get the edit you need. Their professional editors will get the job done to your liking especially if you can provide a sample, they can base the final output on.
You can even get a free trial at no charge at all. Simply head on to their website to learn more.
Final Thoughts
There you have it. Vertical lines in real estate images will always have a special place in the must-have column of things before they are sent out to the public. It is important to understand how to peg your photos against a straight line prior to saying the job is done. Even if there are many ways to go about it, nothing beats having to outsource it due to the convenience, cost, and speed. Being able to trust a service such as is a win for you as a professional as you are now able to focus on things that need time as well while being able to sleep well at night. Try them if you haven’t.