10 Expert Tips for Real Estate Video Editing

The question most people wonder when doing real estate video editing is if it’s worth all that effort. Haven’t pictures dominated the market for so long? The answer to those is both yes. The industry has evolved to make videos a staple that goes along with photos to boost user experience and increase the chances of making a sale happen.

Unlike photo editing, video editing can take significant time, especially when you’re first learning how to edit videos. We’re sharing our top real estate video editing tips to help you speed up the process and refine your workflow.

13 Real Estate Video Editing Tips

Shooting a video to create a tour or snippets requires the right touch and processes to achieve the desired outcome. Plan before you shoot, and think about editing even before you set out to do something. 


Remember, some imperfections can’t be edited out. After shooting quality video clips, use the following expert real estate editing tips to make your real estate marketing videos captivate and evoke emotions.

1. Tell a Story

It’s never ok to shoot randomly. The way you curate your sequence tells a story. Begin by entering the property through the front, introducing the common areas, showcasing the bedrooms, and finishing with the amenities. No matter how good your video editing skills are, it won’t matter if people don’t see the whole picture you are trying to paint.

2. Go Easy on Transitions

It’s tempting to edit the video with all the hardcore effects and transitions. But simple transitions, such as fades, make you look professional as the real estate video editor. 

The resulting video is also less distracting. Remember, it’s real estate marketing - your viewers need to focus on the property rather than showing all the fancy edits you can do.

3. Add Some Interviews

Testimonials are never a bad idea, especially when you know where you can reach out to satisfied customers in the real estate business. Adding testimonials shows trust to back up whatever you are trying to show.

4. Try Using a Phone

Modern smartphones provide many options when it comes to real estate videos. They can offer high-resolution pixels or add effects that are useful even before post-processing. While they might not be able to do everything that a DSLR can, getting used to shooting video with a phone can be a great place to start. Plus, if you shoot in 4k, the quality might even be similar to your DSLR.

5. Edit the Video

Without explanation, we all know that we need editing to make the video clean and attractive. Shaky footage happens during filming, especially if your camera doesn’t have an image stabilization system. This is what editing software is for. Smooth out the video so it appears stable. 

You can also fix minor imperfections, especially the ones you did yourself when shooting. However, don’t hide real issues with the property itself. Using editing to cover up flaws is a lack of transparency and bad practice.  

6. Think of Your Audience

Not everyone will have the time and attention to keep watching lengthy videos. Keeping them concise allows you to get more viewers to finish the entire clip and appreciate the property rather than having someone quit midway through.

Two tone dining area

7. Showcase the Best Parts

With limited time, you need to strategize which parts of the property you will spend more time on. Not all parts of the property can share equal attention. Some will surely be more attractive than others. 

As a real estate video editor, you’re the one to decide which parts to keep and which to cut out. So, when editing real estate videos, consider the probability of the property attracting a buyer.

8. Get It Outsourced

Editing real estate videos takes time, and if you have several projects to accomplish, it’s better to outsource to real estate video editors who can do the editing instead of doing it yourself. 

This isn’t to say you are letting go of the job, but it is a way to increase capacity without compromising or rushing. It’s also easier for a third-party editor with years of market experience to notice imperfections than you would on your work.

9. Don’t Show the Camera in Mirrors

We understand the power of editing real estate videos, and sometimes, it is cumbersome to remove the videographer’s reflection on mirrors or other reflective surfaces. Study the angles beforehand and know where to stand to capture a clean shot.

10. Go Easy on the Text

Put captions to help people understand what you are discussing in the video. These may include measurements, room labels, or locations. You can also include the contact information of the realtor or the real estate business. 

However, don’t go crazy and put them on for the whole video. Make them appear and disappear occasionally so your viewer can focus on the content. 

11. Add Royalty-Free Music

In real estate videos, music can help set the mood. Upbeat tunes can make a place feel energetic and exciting, while calmer music creates a more serene vibe. The key is to pick music that matches the video's style and the property itself. 

Opt for instrumental pieces or music with minimal lyrics. Remember to use royalty-free music. Otherwise, you’ll land into copyright infringement troubles.  

12. Don’t Feature Every Detail

You want to highlight the main features but don't overwhelm viewers. Strike a balance. Give them a taste of what life could be like living there. Show enough to spark their imagination and emotions. 

People are most interested in seeing the key features of a property, like the kitchen, bathrooms, living areas, and bedrooms. They might lose interest in a long video showing every closet and lighting fixture in the home. 

13. Mix Close Shots, Medium Shots, and Wide-Angle Shots

When filming, use a mix of wide, medium, and close-up shots. The aim is to make the property look spacious. 

  • Use wide shots at the beginning of the scene to give viewers a clear understanding of the space. 
  • Use wide angles to showcase the garden and entryway. 
  • Use slow pans and smooth camera movements to reveal different areas of the property. 
  • Use the close-up shots to highlight specific features within a room, like a fireplace or a well-equipped kitchen.

A brown themed dining area

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Best Video Settings for Real Estate Video?

Consider filming in at least 1080p resolution, with a frame rate of 24 or 30 frames per second. This makes the listing videos crisp and clear. Use a wide-angle lens to capture more of the space. Enable the image stabilization system and use slow, smooth camera movements.

What Is the Golden Rule of Video Editing?

The golden rule when using a real estate video editing app is less is more. This means it's better to keep edits simple and concise rather than overloading the video with unnecessary effects and lengthy sequences. 

What Is the Best Video Editor for Real Estate?

There are many real estate video editing software options, but we consider Adobe Premiere Pro the best real estate video editor. Like other Adobe products, this’s a paid software, and you need to part with monthly or yearly subscription fees. 

This software is great for professional editors with good editing knowledge. The best alternative if you are on a tight budget is DaVinci Resolve.

How Long Does It Take to Edit a Real Estate Video?

The time it takes to edit real estate videos varies depending on the length of the raw footage, the complexity of the editing, and course, your editing skills. A basic video can take a few hours, while a more complex project takes several days.  

Final Thoughts

The quality of your real estate videos can make potential buyers like or dislike the property. Real estate marketing aims to make potential buyers see the best parts of the property. So, highlight the best features without making the video long and boring.


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