How important is Real Estate Photo Editing for Interiors Today?

The reality for real estate listings is that photos are the star of the show. People who look to take their browsing online rely on property images to make a decision to shortlist the properties they want. Some photos are so stunning they immediately engage the person browsing and dive deeper into the details of the property. Photographers are key to achieving the right photo and making it look sassy to make the best features of the property stand out and give an impression of hominess.

While both exterior and interior of the property have to appeal to the potential buyer, interiors have a lot more considerations for people. Sure the outside of the house is what attracts someone to look further what the inside has to offer, but on a daily basis, people will spend 90% of their time inside, living their lives and inevitably looking at the beautiful interior rather than looking at the outside for very peculiar reasons.

Should I Edit My Photos?

Interior real estate photo editing has its own tips and tricks to make sure the best parts are emphasized. It also brings out the details that some people might be looking for like the tiles, the wood, or the fixtures. So, to answer the question whether to purse interior real estate Image enhancement, it is a big yes.

Another good reason to always consider real estate interior photo editing is the need to often shoot at the brightest time of the day. While the lighting conditions of natural light provide good shots for exteriors, the problem might arise for interiors as windows become funnels of light resulting to glares inside the house. In some areas inside, there might be a window that captures dramatic landscapes which the potential buyer might be looking for. Interior real estate photo editing takes care of these opportunities you see when doing the photo shoot.

How Do I Edit Interiors for Real Estate Photos?

The process of real estate interior photo editing begins with the right arrangement in the room, the right positions to capture the image, and finally the right software to edit the photo. Always remember that each photo you take must be taken raw and taken in multiplicity because when editing rolls around you can play around the photos with a wider range of options!

Arranging the room means putting together a set of furniture for buyers to visual how creative they can be if they were to purchase the property. In times where the realtor is unable to provide furniture, transform real estate interiors into stunning visuals can step in to provide the missing pieces while being careful to make the image flawless. Focus on the bigger pieces of furniture during the shoot. For example, a den might require a couch and television, so these are the items that need to be in tip top condition. Some trivial items such as dusty lamps and wrinkled curtains need not be 100% perfect as they can go unnoticed or edited out.

Taking several shots from different angles must include at what height the photo must be taken from and the angle that will showcase a good core piece in the room while providing the best position for natural lighting. Some would argue that eye level photos are sufficient to take images, but photographers keen on interior real estate image enhancement know that when there is an opportunity to include a landscape from the window, the height may be increased to add value to the photo.

Software is available by different providers. Some may come with a regular subscription fee and some may be free for use. The best bet for a photographer is to invest in well-known software with a subscription fee. More often than not, these provide a wide range of realty editor tools and options that give a real bang for your buck. Real estate interior photo editing takes money to make money. The better your photos are, the more real estate companies will come back to contract your services. Editing must be anchored on making the image look stunning. It requires adjusting the color and hues to avoid conflicting colors that are just unpleasant. The lighting must also be adjusted to avoid dark rooms and inconsistent illumination throughout the image. Also consider techniques such as window-pull when there are opportunities to showcase landscapes. This is where taking multiple photos of the same shot comes into play as the layers during editing allow for bigger flexibility.

How Do Professionals Do it?

When it comes to interior real estate image enhancement, professionals do not really have a secret. They make it look professional through a set of known techniques and know when to use them. Here are some techniques that you can use to make your photos look just as good:

  • Brightness and Colors – Choose to go with warm colors that make the interior look cozy. Buyers will immediately notice that warm looking rooms and interiors emanate relaxation.
  • Perspective Rectification – Sometimes the right lenses are used to perhaps create an impression of larger space or simply to capture the entire area. The drawbacks can be distorted lines and edges where software editing must correct. This is what can set your photo apart from being raw and unchanged to a strikingly alluring image.
  • Adding or removing objects – We’ve mentioned some furniture that the realtor may not be able to provide on the day of the shoot but do not fret as interior real estate image enhancement plays a part in digitally adding these into the image. In some instances, there may be objects that need to be removed such as smears on the wall that will eventually be painted over but you need to showcase the room sooner.


Interior real estate photo editing may seem more important than exterior photo editing but always remember that people spend more time inside their homes that outside. The importance of having this process in your editing boosts real estate listings and therefore leads to more gigs for you as a photographer and even more clients as word goes around. The tips and techniques for real estate interior photo editing are just some of the things you may want to consider but definitely it is encouraged that you create your own mix of styles that can create a personal brand and identity for you.


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