Use Adobe Lightroom to Create Real Estate Panoramic Images

Real estate panoramic images aren’t always common among listings, but when the property’s view is breathtaking, then you simply cannot pass up shooting one. Realty editors are also photographers who know what a great image takes. They know what elements comprise of a great real estate photo and more importantly they understand the final look of it before it even gets shot in the camera. They are also aware of the capabilities they have when it comes to post-processing, and a realty editor using Adobe Lightroom as their real estate photo editing software will have a lot of mileage in their photos to make them look exquisite.

Now, Adobe Lightroom has been known for many things such as file organization, great illumination correction and its famous spot healing brush tool. But not a lot of people know about its ability to produce and enhance real estate panoramic images. This real estate photo editing software was equipped with this feature in 2015 and has since made waves with realty editors. How do you then easily churn out real estate panoramic images in this real estate photo editing software? Then read on.

Panoramic Images

Before we jump into the nitty gritty part, we want to appreciate what a real estate panoramic image is. Sure, for realty editors they can easily draw up in their minds what this looks like, but if we look at its technicalities, these are what we can end up with.

Combination of photos to get a wider view of an image – A real estate panoramic image is composed of several photos. We might be able to see the breaks while the camera is taking its snaps but for some mediums like the camera on a smart phone, we may not be able to.

Best for landscape real estate images – A real estate panoramic image is best used for landscape orientations. This, however, doesn’t stop you from creating a portrait orientation or one that is raised vertically. The only thing you need to know is what do you want to include in the photo and that will help you finalize an orientation.

Shot with a panning camera – Real estate panoramic images are not shot with one capture. They are a combination of several shots by the camera that requires rotating about your point of view or panning around to get the whole view. Do not confuse this with the wide angle lens or the fish eye as they produce a vastly different output.

A Lightroom Feature: Creating Panoramic Images

Now we take a look at how this real estate photo editing software easily aids the creation of real estate panoramic images. Realty editors who have experienced this would know the convenience and intelligence Adobe Lightroom brings into the mix that allows them to produce a real estate panoramic image in an instant.

  1. Drag the photos into Lightroom and import to Adobe Lightroom Catalogue

Lightroom as a real estate photo editing software is easy to work with. Simply select all the images you want to use for the panoramic image and drag them over to the application and import them into the catalogue. This real estate photo editing software is also aware of redundancies. It can detect images that are the same and help you get rid of the excess one so you can focus on the ones that really matter.

  1. Right click – Select Photomerge, and then Panorama

With your mouse or trackpad, simply hit the right click and a set of options will come out. Choose Photo merge and two options will again come out. Choose Panorama.

  1. Choose a Projection or do an auto-selection

Now that you are in the working panel, this real estate photo editing software will present realty editors an option on how they want to project the panorama. Each will have its own subtle changes depending on what you choose, but all the same, auto-selection throws you into the default of a spherical projection.

  • Spherical – This pertains to a photo you want mapped on a curved surface. This is not ideal for real estate panoramic images as you would want to end up with a flat image.
  • Cylindrical – This is when your image is curved but you want it to look flat. This selection is a possible alternative for real estate panoramic images if the original image has warps.
  • Perspective – Finally, this is what realty editors should go for as it lays all images flat and straight, perfect for that listing and ad.
  1. Auto-crop the image

Auto crop removes the sides of the real estate panoramic image. The beauty about this feature in this real estate photo editing software is its assisted cropping. With the touch of a button, the image can be as perfect and pristine as it can be in terms of size and trim.

  1. Click ‘merge’

Lastly, to finish the execution on the working panel, hit the merge button to complete the real estate panoramic image.

  1. Allow Adobe Lightroom to Process and look for it in the folder of your images

Now all you have to do is wait. The speed depends on your computer’s RAM or random-access memory which dictates the processing speed of background work. As this is done in the background, realty editors can also choose to work on other projects first before coming back to this one if it would entail quite some time.

  1. Enhance and retouch the RAW format

Once the file is done, you can find it in the folder of images where the rest of the files were originally stored. There is an extension now of -panorama to indicate that it is a real estate panoramic image at this point. You might also notice that its format is in the RAW style so you can now spend the time to enhance the image, adding the necessary corrections and changes at its optimal file format.


Adobe Lightroom as a real estate photo editing software for real estate panoramic images is indeed one convenient tool to work with. There isn’t any complexity to the way the images are produced and in fact, there are only a few steps involved. Realty editors will surely get a good kick out of getting good panoramic images with this real estate photo editing software, so create and stitch together those photos at will.


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