How to Fix 7 Real Estate Photo Problems Using Photoshop Tools

We all know how Photoshop has stuck around for so many years as the real estate photo editing software of choice for many realty editors. It’s reliable, complete, complex, and covers a wide variety of tools that when used individually or in tandem, can perform wonders for your images in real estate photography. Another reason why it has been the go-to selection as a real estate photo editing software is due to its ability to target real estate photography needs. Photoshop has always had realty editors in their considerations when developing and iterating the application as they have included multiple one-click transformations of what used to be a handful of commands for realty editors.
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Of these, there are the 7 most common problems that this real estate photo editing software solves. The efficiency and effectivity in which they are resolved is impressive given the vast array of tools and techniques embedded within Photoshop. Never again will real estate photography fear for photos that are not up to standard, for post-processing with this real estate photo editing software will be there to save the day.
The 7 Problems Photoshop Can Fix
Taking a peek at these common problems, Photoshop is sure to be able to remedy them and give realty editors a good run for their subscription fee.
Unviewable windows from the interiors
This first real estate photography phenomenon is due to the glare in the window. Cameras won’t be able to pick the view up without compromising the visibility of the interior space so better to snap two types of photos here. One is a visible interior, and one is the visible window view. Do you notice where this is going? Realty editors then enlist this real estate photo editing software to combine the two images using layer masks, brush tools, and selection tools. Some call it the window masking technique while some would call it the window pull method with some variation of the sequence of techniques.
Too much unnecessary objects in the photo
This is quite often the case for most properties whether inside or out. Real estate photography must power through and continue with the shoot if there is a constraint in time and just include the clutter for realty editors to fix problems with color cast later on. Object removal though, is also one of the strengths of this real estate photo editing software. Photoshop has multiple methods such as the clone stamp tool, the spot healing brush tool, or even the patch tool. Some will be easier than others while some will require prior steps of selecting the object before removing it.
Straighten curves and skews
Under the measure tool you will find the options to straighten any warps that could appear in a photo. Real estate photography tries its best to come up with the best photos, but sometimes business needs outweigh the need to reach perfection and strike a balance between what needs to be shot and what can be edited later on. Another alternative in Photoshop is the Straighten Tool which is a straightforward technique in fixing skews from fisheyes and wide-angle lenses.
Certain parts of the image are dark
Yes, we’ve all been there. Even if the brightness has been adjusted, there are pockets of darker areas which do not seem to blend with the entire image. Fortunately, realty editors are blessed with the dodge and burn tool. A stand-alone tool in this real estate photo editing software where you can change the size of the ‘brush’ in order to make localized changes in brightness. Dodge refers to making things brighter while burn alludes to making something darker. With this at hand, you can choose to balance the image and make it look evenly visible.
There is a coverage of grain on the images
In the words of real estate photography, this is called noise. The two major sources are light and inherent cameras flaws which contribute to a patterned sequence of grains that appear scattered throughout the image. This can be fixed with Photoshop’s noise reduction tools found in the form of a slider. Why a slider? Well, the levels of noise vary per photo. A slider can give realty editors a change to change the level on a micro scale and differ it per image because overdoing the noise reduction can lead to damage in the image.
The room is empty
Again, not all property shoots will be the same, therefore real estate photography must still continue even though the interiors are empty. Photoshop then, as a real estate photo editing software, must fill in this void through virtual staging, or otherwise known to realty editors as throwing in furniture using editing. This then gives a lot of flexibility to design the interior space as well as save time in the logistics of physically bringing furniture in.
Skies look gloomy
Sky replacement has been around for so long that realty editors each have different ways to skin this cat. However, in the latest installment of Photoshop in 2021, they have incorporated artificial intelligence with Sky replacement to make it easier to execute. Instead of the usual selection tools, cutting and throwing in of a stock photo, this real estate photo editing software has included stock photos of skies and has instructed its AI to do the work for you. It marvelously replaces the sky with a click of a button and leaves room for adjustments under the same panel with easy to navigate sliders and options, a true advancement in this area.
All in all, this real estate photo editing software is powerful, reliable, and is able to clearly fix the 7 most common problems found in most images found in real estate photography. The combination of tools or even the standalone ones can provide a targeted solution that ensures the enhancement can bring out a beautiful image. Moreover, the latest advancements have addressed some of the more tedious tasks, getting rid of the multiple steps and the combination of different tools and made them into a single executable command for ease, as these will always be the common issues faced by realty editors day in and day out of their jobs in making photos look marvelous.
Relevant Quick Links:
- Real Estate Photo Editing
- Real Estate Image Editing
- Knowledge Base
- Adobe Photoshop Tools for Editing your Real Estate Photos
- Best Photoshop Tools to Remove your Real Estate Photo Background