Tips for Working Successfully with a Real Estate Photo Editor

Specializations in careers help define what services or work people are good at. The reason why specializations are normally done with one skill at a time is because there is so much to learn about a craft. This is the reality for the real estate industry in most cases. Real estate companies specialize in selling and marketing, and other services are outsourced. Such services they seek to contract are the legal tasks and photography editing work. The latter has proven to have a great deal of help in the real estate industry, not to mention the power their work brings.

Working successfully with a realty editor to take photos of properties and having them enhanced takes a degree of relationship building and partnership. Even though real estate photo editors are paid to get the work done, there is always good in creating good business relations. The impacts of these can range from better services, faster turnaround times, loyalty and dedication, and sometimes even improved prices. Real estate photo editing is the bread and butter of photographers and editors. The synergy between real estate companies and editors combines the specializations of both parties in order to achieve the goal of selling properties faster and better.

Working with a Freelancer

Freelancers are photographers and editors who are not affiliated with any company. They operate on their own and are mostly flexible when it comes to arrangements. They are normally real estate photo editors as well and provide a package that covers end-to-end services. Working with freelancers for real estate photo editing may be different from working with different entities, and here are a few reasons why:

  1. Clear up the working arrangements – Be crystal clear on the contract for the freelancer. Do you want this to be a one-off or are you doing a trial with them to see if you will be binding with their services for the long haul? Essentially, real estate photo editing does not stop with one batch of photos of one property. The turnaround may be faster than you have ever imagined and that is why lining up the photo editing job one after the other (or even simultaneously) might prove to be the right thing to do.
  2. Respect their load and capacity – Always check with the freelancer if they can accommodate the demand you need. Freelancers will often have outsourced services to help augment their editing capacity but their photography will normally be done themselves to help preserve the style and quality of photography.

Working with a Company

Real estate editing companies will normally have more people working for them, and the structure of their organization with doing business might be more rigid compared to freelancers. Companies may have minimum order quantities in order to make the job worth it on their end as they need to pay wages to their employees. The advantages, however, are faster turnaround times and even the possibility of having photos processed by the latest software in the market. Dealing with real estate photo editing companies might require more agreements in terms of contracts and here are what we believe the things that can help you during these times.

  1. Make expectations clear – Working with real estate editing companies will have multiple people working on a single project to hasten the turnaround time. Sometimes when different people work on the same photos of the same property, there could be differences in how each photo looks and feels. Making expectations clear will ensure that they know what you, as the paying customer, wants.
  2. Do not haggle too much – Real estate editing companies have employees to pay. Freelancers do not. This difference alone makes the prices for companies more rigid than freelancers and companies that may charge higher do it because they can give faster lead times due to more hands. Freelancers can get the job done at lower prices due to the lack of other costs they need to cover.

General Tips When Doing Business

Business relationships are hinged on communication and understanding. There are blunders when selecting a real estate photo editor, knowing how to deal with your chosen real estate photo editor enables you to adjust your ways of working especially when you know the nature of their working conditions.

  1. Keep communication constant – Always communicate. Even though business is transaction based, showing empathy to the person or company who you are doing business with can help you have smoother transactions in the future. If there is something you like, let them know they did a good job. If there is something they did incorrectly, give them that constructive feedback so they can improve on future transactions.
  2. Make them feel motivated – Even if they are not part of the real estate company, they are still helping you sell property through the work they do. Giving them monetary incentives if they can get the job done quicker is one way to boost their morale. This works very well especially for freelancers who can find ways to step up their game and achieve that incentive. In turn, both parties are happy to have produced quality and quick photos and to have received their monetary rewards.


There is no question in keeping good business relations with real estate photo editors. With the competencies they bring that complements what real estate companies need to achieve the goal of being able to sell properties, the sky could be the limit for both parties. As real estate photo editing becomes the key to drawing in more potential buyers, it is safe to say that it is what drives real estate businesses to the right direction. Without the photos and the enhancements, people will simply be attracted to the competition and eventually the real estate company that does not take advantage of the use of photos will wither and fall out of business. Let the reality sink in that in order for real estate business to thrive, real estate photo editors are needed and for photographers to have a lustrous career, they should also help their real estate partners to the best of their abilities.


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